This is my first blog post since writing “Farewell to Jack, aka Lucky Girl” back in July. I have had many thoughts to share, but each time I took a step toward writing a new post my heart would not let me proceed. As I write this I wonder if I’ll have the courage to […]
Farewell to Jack, aka “Lucky Girl”
I knew the first time you held my hand,walking past window displays in Naples and seeing our reflection in the glass– the difference in our ages blustered away in the sea breeze –that the spark between us was not a passing fancy. When “Longer” played on the radio, when we danced to Ann Murrayor crooned […]
Bread of Presence, Bread of Life—Part 2
I have never painted myself into a corner, but I have unwittingly mopped myself into one. When that happens, you have to very carefully pick your way across the wet floor and hope you don’t track footprints. That’s the way I feel about my last blog post, knowing that I would have to gingerly make […]
Standing for Christ
I listened with great sadness to last week’s news about the beheading of 21 Coptic Christians by ISIS in Libya. While I have not tracked all of the “public” murders ISIS has performed in the past, it seems that – besides punishment for unpaid ransoms – they often target journalists and unsuspecting aid workers, and […]
Memory and Forgiveness
A number of years ago a young man was murdered. If this were the slug of a news story, or perhaps the first line of a novel, it leaves a lot of unanswered questions. Why was he murdered? Was the murderer caught? Was he convicted, sent to prison? What became of the victim’s family? Let […]
Resonating with God
I recently purchased for the first time a set of Augustine classical guitar strings. Upon installing them on my guitar, I immediately noticed that when playing an A on the third string, the 5th open A string would also resonate. This phenomenon also occurred with other notes. At first I thought I’d gotten a bad […]