Using the words of author Jerry Bridges, here’s the deal about using your imagination as you read Scripture. Bridges closed his last book (God Took Me by the Hand: A Story of God’s Unusual Providence, NavPress 2014; Jerry passed away earlier this month) with seven “spiritual lessons” he learned over the course of his life. […]
Using Your Imagination – Part 2
Last time I touched on using the imagination as you meditate on Scripture, using the story of 12-year-old Jesus talking with the religious leaders in Luke 2 as an example. I said that part of the problem when reading this and other passages is that you know the story so well that you skim over […]
Using Your Imagination—Part 1
Welcome to my blog! Or to those of you who have read me in the past, welcome back! If you note the date of my last post you will see it was four months ago, almost to the day. Back in October, due to an automatic WordPress update, my website theme stopped working. So I […]
I Am Christian
I wonder sometimes about Paul’s declaration in Philippians 3:10 that he wanted to have fellowship with Christ’s sufferings (“that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, becoming conformed unto his death”) and what that means. Since we American Christians did not grow up in a climate […]
Recently I had a conversation with a friend over an article she found online that described some beliefs C.S. Lewis held that are contrary to standard evangelical beliefs. (The article mentioned that as an Anglican, Lewis believed in purgatory and praying for the dead, among other things. However I should point out that Anglican doctrine […]
Bread of Presence, Bread of Life—Part 3
It’s very important when talking about God’s provision to have the right perspective. That is why I ended last week’s blog post by saying that according to both Old and New Testament “rules,” we as a race of people deserve nothing from God’s hand. So biblically speaking, that is our starting point. Where does the […]
Bread of Presence, Bread of Life—Part 2
I have never painted myself into a corner, but I have unwittingly mopped myself into one. When that happens, you have to very carefully pick your way across the wet floor and hope you don’t track footprints. That’s the way I feel about my last blog post, knowing that I would have to gingerly make […]
Bread of Presence, Bread of Life—Part 1
I know a lot of people who are struggling financially right now. They say the recession is lifting but it hasn’t lifted for my friends, or truth be told, for me. Or maybe I should say for the entities I write for. As a freelance writer I depend on businesses, newspapers and magazines with money […]
And God Said: Listen Up!
Every year at Lent I pray about what I need to do, not do, give up or take on. Of course a person can do a bit of soul-searching any time of year, but given Lent’s significance in Church history, there is something special about participating with other Christians around the world, past and present, […]
Standing for Christ
I listened with great sadness to last week’s news about the beheading of 21 Coptic Christians by ISIS in Libya. While I have not tracked all of the “public” murders ISIS has performed in the past, it seems that – besides punishment for unpaid ransoms – they often target journalists and unsuspecting aid workers, and […]