Remembering on Thanksgiving

The Bible has much to say about remembering God’s many blessings.  As I reminisce today, a favorite song of mine, from Clearly Beloved’s debut album, focuses my attention on the Greatest Gift of all, for which to give thanks.  Enjoy these lyrics from the song “Bread,” written by Jennifer Smith.

I will teach myself to make
Griddle cakes and morning bread
As the dew falls and the deer feed
Water, flour, salt and leaven
Give to us our daily bread
Bread like dew, every morning
I will bake bread to remember
Bread of light, Bread of heaven.

And the rising of the sun
Dries the dew and makes the deer run
Lights the flour in the air
Dusting down to where the bread lies
‘Neath the cloth, a type of shroud
Lies the bread, set to rise
Set to rise every morning
Every morning I remember:

Son was given, Bread of heaven
Want to die, broken bread
Died to rise, Bread of life
Rose to rise the sleeping dead.

I’ve forgotten how to need you, I need you Bread….